Christian Education

We seek to minister to all ages through our programs here at First Christian Church and to minister to our community and world through our Outreach programs.

Ministry to Young Children

Child care is provided in our nursery for infants and young children during both Sunday Worship Services and also during the Sunday School hour.

Our children are invited to participate in a special time for children during our worship services.

Children ages 3 years through second grade are invited to attend Children’s Worship & Wonder
following the Children’s Time.

Welcome to Worship: This is a four week learning experience for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders in the fall of each year. Through this program children explore many aspects of our worship service and learn to be active participants.


Christian Education

Sunday School Classes are offered for all ages every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Our Children's Sunday School includes classes for Preschoolers, Kindergarten - 2nd grade and 3rd - 5thgraders.

Sunday School classes are also offered for Middle School Students and High School students.

We have eight Adult Classes held on Sunday mornings. The classes study a variety of Bible studies and current issues and have a variety of teaching styles. You are sure to find a class that is just right for you.

We periodically offer classes on special topics or issues such as parenting, prayer, world religions. Members are invited to suggest topics of special studies.


Youth Ministry

We celebrate a vital, growing youth program here at First Christian Church. Our Middle School students are part of our CHI RHO youth group and our High School students make up our CYF. Both youth groups meet weekly at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings at the church for study, service and fellowship. The youth groups also take part in a variety of special events and each year attend a week of Chi Rho Camp or CYF Conference. Our youth groups also experience a mission trip each summer. Check out youth ministry at First Christian Church.

JC Kids (3-5th grade) and Kingdom Kids (K-2nd grade) are fellowship groups for elementary school children that meet monthly for mission projects and fun. Partnership Camp opportunities are also available for 3-5th graders. Leaders: Kim Paul and Lori Buchanan.


Bible Study

We have several Bible Study groups that are held at times other than Sunday mornings.

Companions in Christ meets every Wednesday atnoon. Bring a sack lunch, a Bible and join us for a study of the Scripture. We are currently studying the Book of Acts.


Women's Study Groups

WSOS (Women Serving Our Savior) meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The group is studying women of the Old Testament. They also participate in regular service projects for our church and community. Child care is provided.

Bereavement Committee provides meals for grieving families following funerals.

Quilters meet each Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. and quilt. Proceeds from their projects go to support a variety of mission projects.


Men's Ministry

Our men meet monthly for breakfast and fellowship. They are frequently involved in a variety of work projects here at the church and around the community.


Serving Opportunities

There are a variety of ways you can be part of our ministry here at First Christian Church. Please share with one of our pastors or Leadership Team members how you would like to serve. Our members are also involved in a variety of outreach ministries in our community and world. Learn how you can be a part.

Click here to view our outreach programs

Contact Information

By Phone: 614-433-0343
By Email:
By Fax: 614-433-0343

Mailing Address

Regional Church Offices
355 East Campus View Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 43235

Staff Contact Information
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An Anti-Racist / Pro-Reconciling Church