Welcome to Worship

Welcome to Worship is a four week program offered every Fall to third through fifth graders to help them transition from Children Worship and Wonder to sanctuary worship.  This worship is led by Jane Cooper.  In  sanctuary worship some things are done in the same way as in Worship and Wonder and some things are done differently.  Welcome to Worship helps our children get ready for the differences.  

During the four weeks of Welcome to Worship children learn how to use the hymnal and the pew Bible. They learn how to follow the bulletin and talk about things they can do to help them listen closely to the sermons. They share communion and practice the ways they might participate in the worship service.

At the conclusion of the four weeks of Welcome to Worship children are welcomed to participate in sanctuary worship with a Service of Inclusion.  On this special milestone, the children carry their light into the church and the congregation celebrates the special gifts our children bring to worship.




Contact Information

By Phone: 614-433-0343
By Email: ccio@ccinoh.org
By Fax: 614-433-0343

Mailing Address

Regional Church Offices
355 East Campus View Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 43235

Staff Contact Information
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An Anti-Racist / Pro-Reconciling Church