We are growing in God's love as a multi-generational faith community where...
- Everyone is welcome to celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly - and we mean everyone!
- Children, youth and adults have opportunities to learn and grow through Christian Education classes, small groups, and mission projects/trips.
- The Bible guides our lives and faith. Each person is free to explore and interpret the scriptures according to his or her own experience, and is encouraged to do so with the nurture of the faith community.
- Experiencing the JOY of God is an expectation.
What We Believe:
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and offers saving grace to all. We believe that all people are God's children.
Our Mission:
As children of God, we love God, love people, and share Christ’s Table.
Our Vision:
As children of God, we strive to extend radical hospitality through worship, mission, faith formation, and community.
Contact Information
By Phone: 614-433-0343
By Email: ccio@ccinoh.org
By Fax: 614-433-0343
Mailing Address
Regional Church Offices355 East Campus View Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 43235
Staff Contact Information
Online Contact Form
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